
Published on September 6th, 2016 | by Matt

Episode 117: Spaceballs is a Good Movie

While Matt and Amber have played barely any games this week, and Ricardo has been too busy with wrestling events to play anything that isn’t on his phone or a clicker, Ethan makes up for it by playing several games and recording an interesting experience during the Battlefield 1 beta test! We have a few serious business news items to get through before we get to the absolute glory that is one of this week’s Trailer Trash trailers. We’ll let you guess which one it is.

Games we played:

Ethan: Rimworld, Batman Telltale, Battlefield 1 kinda, WWE 2k16

Ricardo: Street Fighter Puzzle Spirits, Adventure Capitalist

Matt: Nothing!

Amber: Not Much!


The NEWS HOUR News Topics:

Nintendo 3DS Direct announced a bunch of games… that you already played, maybe.

Sony curtails VITA development and pushes towards developing for mobile

YouTube “changes” its policies? Videos must be advertiser friendly to monetize?

Remember Cruisin’ USA?


Trailer trash:

Friday the 13th The Game: The Most M-Rated Trailer Ever?

ReCore Launch Trailer

Check Out the New Modes in Mario Party: Star Rush

Titanfall 2: Meet the Titans Official Trailer

Hue Launch Trailer

Hot Lava Gameplay Trailer

Jazzpunk: Director’s Cut Official Trailer


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About the Author

Matt started Pixel Legends originally to cover E3 2011. Aside from video games Matt also enjoys books, wasting time on the internet, and being from England. He doesn’t have a British accent.

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