E3 2011 no image

Published on June 8th, 2011 | by Matt


E3 2011 Day 2 Shigeru Miyamoto said “Hi” to my 3DS

After only 2 days exploring the show floor my 3DS Street Pass plaza has been flooded with Miis. For some reason getting new Miis in the plaza is really exciting. It’s like getting a letter!

Also, though I understand this could be anyone. I appear to have Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto sitting on my 3DS as well. Yeah it may not be real, but the Mii matches the one shown during the press conference, and I picked him up while visiting the Nintendo booth on Tuesday, so I’m going to believe it is, even if I’m wrong.

Hi, MIIyamoto


EDIT: Kotaku confirms my Miyamoto Mii is real!  WOO!  This feels so cool, it’s like getting a celebrity’s autograph digitally! http://kotaku.com/5810651/the-dude-who-says-he-tagged-nintendo-brass

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About the Author

Matt started Pixel Legends originally to cover E3 2011. Aside from video games Matt also enjoys books, wasting time on the internet, and being from England. He doesn’t have a British accent.

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